Get a single creature

Star Wars Divider

Get by a id

You can get a single creature by adding the id as a parameter: /creatures/id

  "_id": "640b2f06b6a2a8104f0a0d9d",
  "name": "Porg",
  "description": "Small, flat-muzzled avians that flock about the rocks and roost in the cliffs of Luke Skywalker's secluded island, porgs are inquisitive creatures.",
  "image": "",
  "__v": 0

Filter by name

You can get some creatures by adding the name as a parameter with the added endpoint name: /creatures/name/CreatureName

    "_id": "640b2f06b6a2a8104f0a0d9d",
    "name": "Porg",
    "description": "Small, flat-muzzled avians that flock about the rocks and roost in the cliffs of Luke Skywalker's secluded island, porgs are inquisitive creatures.",
    "image": "",
    "__v": 0